
holiday of 2010 ~

i got around 40 days of holiday ~
start from end of November until 10th of January~
what i do in this holiday ?
hang out with some friend ~
go sing K~
go ate steamboat than go marina island ~
go astaka jogging  than pasar malam buy thing go to marina island and at there watching the sea and hear the music from the sea and ate thing ~
after that i rehearse my character until always crash time with the time my friend ask me to hang out~ 

haha this year i not act satan  anymore this time 180 degree turn ~
i act the leader of angel Gabriel~ 

1st time i hear the name i feel like this name like very cool ~
thank to my wing designer help me make an angel wing very beautiful and very cool ~
and my designer is miss Deborah ~


well me now only wait for 10th of jan of my 3rd semester ~
hope i can take some subject that i interest~

